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了解广州天源税务师事务所作者:广州天源税务师事务所  ,由内详  播音,享听网提供收听平台。



内容介绍:广州天源税务师事务所审计和涉税鉴证Auditing and Tax Related Authentications     我们的审计业务包括地区性的法定报表审计和集团内部报表审计、涉税鉴证、司法鉴证,此外,我们还可为客户在境内外证券市场上市及筹资担任申报会计师。  Our auditing service includes legally required audit of local financial statements and internal audit of enterprise financial statements, as well as tax related authentications and judicial authentications. We can also help your organization report externally on non-financial information, and strengthen your corporate governance procedures. Moreover we are also capable to service as a reporting accountant for stock market listing in the securities market both in China and overseas.目标管理和内部控制 Objective Management and Internal Audit    我们的管理项目顾问部门可协助客户进行目标设计、预算管理、目标实现、经营管理审计、风险管理和内控审阅等环节顾问工作方案,并就公司监控环境的各个方面向高级管理层提供独立的意见. 企业管理系统信息技术方案我们的信息技术专业人员可提供以下各类服务:企业管理系统信息技术方案、信息安全、业务持续经营管理、项目风险管理和信息技术战略。  Our internal audit department is ready to help clients for objective design, budget management, objective realization, audit management, risk management and the internal inspection, and to provide independent advice to the company’s management based on all the aspects of monitoring environment. In the aspects of information management, our professionals are capable to provide the following service: information technology of enterprise management system pattern, information security, business continuity management, project risk management and information technology strategies.财务规划Financial Consultation    我们的项目顾问团队每天在遍布中国各产业区工业园的企业为企业解决管理问题,这些问题主要集中在“财务规范化项目”、“信息披露和汇报”、“全面预算管理项目”、“内部控制项目”、“ERP实施项目”和“成本控制项目” 。我们在这些领域已经取得了显著效果。企业因此得到我们经验丰富的专业顾问协助。  Our project consulting team solves daily management problems among different enterprises in China. The main management problems focus on ‘financial normalization project’, ‘disclosure and report of information’, ‘general budget management project’, ‘internal audit project’, ‘ERP executive project’ and ‘cost control project’. We have outstanding achievements in those areas results from our clients’ enterprises obtained the assistance from our experienced professional consultations.税收规划设计和全球税务筹划Tax Consultation And Global Tax Planning  IPO项目和上市公司 IPO Projects and Listed Companies    多年来我们越来越多的客户登陆上交所、深交所、新三板、香港和新加坡、美国交易所成为公众公司,在期间,我们为客户财务规范辅导、尽职调查、内控和审计、甚至帮助客户进行ERP二次开发或上线实施。作为资本市场的顾问机构也和证券公司合作推动客户上市进程。曾协助上市的公司中,今日大多仍然是我们的客户。

